General Medicine case:

A 40 yrs old female with SOB,vomitings and diarrhea. 
June7, 2023
Hi iam Likitha 3rd semester student. This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent, this also reflect my patient centered online learning portfolio. 
Case discussion:
Date of admission:6 june 2023
A 40 yrs old female resident of miryalaguda came to medicine OPD with 
Chief complaints of:
•SOB since 4 days. 
•Fever, vomitings, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and decreased urine output since 3 days. 
History of present illness:
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 days back, then she developed SOB since 4 days , SOB is exacerbating while exertion and relieved by resting after one day she developed fever, vomitings and diarrhea. 
•Vomitings : 3-4 episodes per day, non projectile, non bilious, contain food particles and water
•Diarrhea:4-5 episodes per day
                Watery stool
                 No blood observed in the stool
•Pain in the abdomen is continuous and non radiating. 
History of past illness:
K/C/O: Hypothyroidism since 10 yrs
Drug History:
On Thyronorm 100 microgram for hypothyroidism since 10 yrs. 
Surgical History: C-section, Tubectomy. 
Personal History:
Appetite:Before appearance of symptoms: 
                 After appearance of symptoms: lost
Diet: mixed diet
Bowel movements: before- normal
Micturirion: normal
Sleep: adequate
No allergies
Addictions: Toddy( occasional) 
Family History: No significant family history. 

Physical Examination:
General Examination:
Patient was conscious and coherentcoherent and cooperative
No pallor
No icterus
No pedal oedema
No cyanosis
No clubbing of fingers
No lymphadenopathy
Temperature: febrile
Pulse rate:124/min
RR:18 cpm
BP:80/60 mmHg
Systemic Examination:
Cardiovascular system:
•cardiac sounds S1&S2 heard. 
Respiratory system:
Central trachea
Shape: obese
Tenderness:yes(epigastric region) 
Patient was coherent 
Normal speech

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General medicine case: